Landlord’s property fire – £75,000 buildings and contents claim
Location Manchester
Customer Mr K
Mr K owns a number of commercial and domestic properties in Manchester and consequently has a very stressful and busy working life. One of his properties – a two-bedroomed mid-terrace house – was subject to an arson attack while the tenant was on holiday. The ground floor was almost completely destroyed and there was significant damage upstairs.
Mr K realised he simply didn’t have the time nor the experience to handle the insurance claim. He discussed it with his broker who recommended loss assessors Morgan Clark. After meeting with them, Mr K decided to appoint Morgan Clark to manage his claim.
The claim
Morgan Clark carried out a full assessment of the damage and loss. As part of this, they brought in a specialist firm of surveyors who compiled a fully-costed specification of the work needed to restore the property. This included new partition walls, windows, doors, ceilings and floors, as well as a new kitchen, new electrics and complete redecoration.
According to Mr K, “I didn’t have a clue about what to do: I’d never been faced with anything like this before. I left everything to Morgan Clark and they took all the work connected with the claim away from me.”
The results
Morgan Clark successfully achieved a settlement for Mr K which amounted to £65,000 for re-instating the property and £10,000 for landlord’s contents. But more importantly, he was able to continue with his business as normal without the distraction of making an insurance claim: “Morgan Clark handled my case with care and did an excellent job. I was incredibly stressed with what I needed to do in connection with all my properties and I was able to hand the whole claim over to them. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone facing a similar problem.”
No matter what has caused the damage to your home, Morgan Clark’s Manchester Loss Assessors will guide you through the insurance claim process and ensure you are back in your home as quickly as possible while ensuring you receive the full settlement you’re entitled to.